Real Estate

The Art of Making Garden Rooms

It’s the key question in making any garden: How do you get all the plants you can’t resist and the…

More Renters Are Moving Out of Town. But Where Are They Going?

During the depths of the pandemic, rising home prices were often tempered by low interest rates, making mortgage payments more…

Homes That Sold for Around $750,000

Each week, our survey of recent residential sales in New York City and the surrounding region focuses on homes that…

One Woman’s Life in Subsidized Housing, and Her Campaign to Fix It

Most mornings, La Keesha Taylor spends a few minutes in bed with her eyes open after she wakes up, sizing…

How Soon Is Too Soon to Ask My Landlord About a Rent Increase?

Q: For nine years, my husband and I have rented a market-rate apartment on the Upper West Side. The building…

He Didn’t Plan to Buy a Place on Fire Island. But This Was No Ordinary Home.

Glenn Rice’s journey to owning a house on Fire Island, N.Y., began unexpectedly in Boston and was propelled, surprisingly, by…

It’s Time to Slow Down and Appreciate Nature’s Tiny Marvels

“Look at that caterpillar,” Andrew J. Brand said one afternoon, as we passed a hummocky old bottlebrush buckeye shrub in…

This Home-Renovation Show Wants to Get You Into Bed

As far as home improvements go, sex rooms are not generally considered smart financial investments. What future buyer would want…

Stop Ruining Starry Nights

After over a decade of living in the city, I chose the plot of land, a flat patchwork of pine…

Kevin McKenzie and Martine van Hamel: On the Zen of Escaping City Life

Kevin McKenzie and Martine van Hamel were standing in the dining room of their weekend house in Woodstock, N.Y., trying…

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