
The Case for Hope

Mr. Kristof is the author of a new memoir, “Chasing Hope: A Reporter’s Life,” from which this essay is adapted.…

When the Alternative to Foster Care Is an Unsafe Home, There Is Only One Right Choice

In February of 2023, Phoenix Castro was born in San Jose, Calif., suffering from neonatal opioid withdrawal after being exposed…

Trump on Trial: ‘The Odds of Conviction Have Gone Up’

By Jonathan Alter Produced by Vishakha Darbha The contributing Opinion writer Jonathan Alter has been filing dispatches from Donald Trump’s…

Why You Can Hear the Temperature of Water

A science video maker in China couldn’t find a good explanation for why hot and cold water sound different, so…

The Ever-Resilient Pupfish Makes a Comeback in Death Valley

The spring population of the critically endangered species is at a 25-year high, a surprising rebound in a tiny desert…

A Former Guantánamo Prisoner’s New Life

On the 15th night of Ramadan in a suburb of Belize City, Majid Khan and his family of four sat…

The Oldest, Most Successful Party in Europe Is Headed for a Wipeout

At 3 a.m. one day last December, a 78-year-old volunteer for the British Conservative Party was reportedly woken by a…

What Happens When a Happening Place Becomes Too Hot

City officials worked to make Milan attractive to visitors, but now that some neighborhoods are overwhelmed by rowdy crowds and…

The Tiny Nation at the Vanguard of Mining the Ocean Floor

Below the waters of the Cook Islands, population 15,000, lie minerals used to power electric cars. Extracting them could bring…

Man Sentenced to 25 Years in Stabbings of 3 Homeless Men in Manhattan

Trevon Murphy, who a family member said had a history of mental health problems, killed one man and injured two…

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