3 More College Leaders to Face Congress Over Antisemitism Claims

For the fourth time in six months, the Republican-led House Committee on Education and the Workforce is summoning school leaders to Washington to be questioned about accusations of antisemitism at their institutions.
This time, on Thursday, the committee’s focus will be on how three diverse universities reacted when pro-Palestinian encampments sprung up on their lawns as part of an international wave of student activism against the war in Gaza.
Two of the schools whose leaders will testify — Northwestern and Rutgers — made deals with protesters to end their encampments peacefully. The third, the University of California, Los Angeles, called in the police to dismantle its encampment, but only after a violent attack by counterprotesters the night before caused the situation to veer out of control.
Representative Virginia Foxx, the chairwoman of the committee, has blasted Rutgers and Northwestern for negotiating with the demonstrators, whose views she has described as antisemitic and supportive of terrorism. But she has also derided U.C.L.A.’s chancellor for calling the police too late, saying he allowed his campus to become a “severe and pervasive hostile environment for Jewish students.”
“The committee has a clear message for mealy-mouthed, spineless college leaders: Congress will not tolerate your dereliction of your duty to your Jewish students,” Ms. Foxx said in a May 16 statement announcing the hearing. “No stone must go unturned while buildings are being defaced, campus greens are being captured or graduations are being ruined.”
The three college leaders do not dispute that Jewish students have faced antisemitism, both on and off their campuses. But all have largely defended their responses, saying that they have taken steps to stop it.