
Judge John Hodgman on Getting a Colonoscopy

What should you do with a husband who “doesn’t like doctors”?

My Friend Is Trapped in a Nursing Home. What Can I Do?

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on helping people who are institutionalized against their will.

Greta Gerwig’s ‘Barbie’ Dream Job

The moment Greta Gerwig knew for certain that she could make a movie about Barbie, the most famous and controversial…

The Sandwich Southerners Wait for All Year

A lush tomato, eaten in peak summer, is meant to be pined over.

Wikipedia’s Moment of Truth

In early 2021, a Wikipedia editor peered into the future and saw what looked like a funnel cloud on the…

A Celebrity Lesbian Romance Changed My Life. (Even if It Never Happened.)

Social media is rife with fans who believe their fave is secretly queer — and there’s liberation in their fanciful…

Can I Use ChatGPT for the Tedious Parts of My Job?

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on using artificial intelligence to assist with mundane tasks at work.

The Best Place to Drink Is the Emptiest Bar in the City

When your hearing starts to go, you just want a place to sit, sip and have a talk: namely, a…

Has America Ignored the Workplace for Too Long?

Barack Obama’s Netflix series “Working” tries to catch you up on decades of change — more than it has time…

To Truly Understand the Past, Pick Up an Old Magazine

Find a print issue, preferably more than 20 years old, and read it cover to cover. You’ll find the old…

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