
Automatic Refunds and No More Hidden Fees: D.O.T. Sets New Rules for Airlines

The Transportation Department issued new requirements on refunds when flights are canceled or delayed and on revealing “junk” fees before…

Living in New Jersey, Grieving for Over 100 Relatives Killed in Gaza

The call came in around 4 p.m., while Adam Abo Sheriah was still at work in his pharmacy in New…

‘A Good Day for World Peace’: Biden Signs Aid Bill for Ukraine and Israel

President Biden signed a $95.3 billion package of aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan on Wednesday, reaffirming U.S. support for…

Arizona Democrats Consider 3rd Attempt to Repeal 1864 Abortion Law

The almost-complete ban on abortions in the state could go into effect as early as June 8, the state’s attorney…

Supreme Court to Examine Clash Between Idaho Abortion Ban and Federal Law

The case, which could reverberate beyond Idaho to other states with abortion bans, is the second time in less than…

Two Lawsuits, in Texas and Idaho, Highlight Fight Over Emergency Medicine Law

Federal trial judges in Texas and Idaho came to opposite conclusions in a battle between conservative states and the U.S.…

Tennessee Passes Bill to Allow Teachers to Carry Concealed Handguns

The move came about a year after the state’s deadliest school shooting and was opposed by some of the families…

Here’s What’s in the Foreign Aid Package That Is Headed Toward Becoming Law

Assistance for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is paired with legislation to impose fresh rounds of sanctions on Iran and Russia…

20 Years Later, a Jury Weighs Claims of Abuse at Abu Ghraib

Three men who were detained at the notorious prison in Iraq are suing a defense contractor, saying its interrogators told…

Student Editorial Boards Rebuke College Officials for Protest Decisions

Around the nation, editorial boards at college newspapers have defended free speech and pro-Palestinian protesters in recent weeks.

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