
A Charity Tied to the Supreme Court Offers Donors Access to the Justices

The Supreme Court Historical Society has raised more than $23 million in the last two decades, much of it from…

Trump Tax Returns Undermine His Image as a Successful Entrepreneur

The release of former President Donald J. Trump’s private tax documents by the House Ways and Means Committee shows heavy…

For Democrats, Spending Package Marked One Final Opportunity

For all their accomplishments in the past two years, Democrats face a far tougher environment to see most of their…

Mastermind of Varsity Blues Scandal, Rick Singer, to Be Sentenced

Prosecutors recommended six years in the scheme that undermined college admissions. Mr. Singer asked for a maximum of six months,…

How the Speaker’s Election Could Devolve Into Chaos

Representative Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader, has pledged to take his fight for the speakership to the House floor. It…

Biden Issues Six Pardons, Most for Minor Drug Offenses

The president’s pardons continued a series of drug-related reprieves this year.

Trump Tax Returns Released by House Democrats

The publication of former President Donald J. Trump’s private tax documents comes amid questions about why the I.R.S. failed to…

Biden Signs Government Funding Bill, Preventing Shutdown

The $1.7 trillion measure includes more money for the military and law enforcement, along with an overhaul of how Congress…

Democrats Outpace Trump in Seating Federal Judges, With 97 Confirmed

The Senate’s top two Democrats say they will continue their push to fill vacancies in 2023, but activists warn that…

In California, Southwest Meltdown Reveals Cracks in Key Travel Link

Residents have come to rely on the airline that now dominates the California market and bridges the northern and southern…

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