
Food Aid Program for Mothers and Children Will Provide More Fruits and Vegetables

The Agriculture Department updated the WIC program to more closely align with nutrition guidelines. The changes also reduce assistance for…

Arizona Reinstates 160-Year-Old Abortion Ban

The state’s highest court said the law, moribund for decades under Roe v. Wade, was now enforceable, but put its…

F.A.A. Investigates Claims by Boeing Whistle-Blower About Flaws in 787 Dreamliner

The whistle-blower, an engineer, says that sections of the plane’s body are being assembled in a way that could weaken…

Dr. Bob, 75, Knows Aging’s Toll. He Wonders if Biden and Trump Do.

He had become the local expert on what he called the “unwanted side effects of old age,” so Dr. Bob…

Another Red-Blue Divide: Money to Feed Kids in the Summer

The governor was firm: Nebraska would reject the new federal money for summer meals. The state already fed a small…

Greene Escalates Threat Against Johnson, Making the Case for His Ouster

In a letter to Republicans, the far-right lawmaker from Georgia said the speaker had presided over a “complete and total…

Parents of Michigan School Shooter to Be Sentenced for Manslaughter

Jennifer and James Crumbley, whose son killed four people, each face up to 15 years in prison. In memos last…

As Kushner’s Investment Firm Steps Out, the Potential Conflicts Are Growing

Jared Kushner’s Affinity Partners has invested more than $1.2 billion, much of it in firms abroad, drawing new scrutiny as…

On Abortion, Trump Chose Politics Over Principles. Will It Matter?

With his video statement on Monday, Donald Trump laid bare how faulty a messenger he had always been for the…

What to Know About Biden’s New Student Debt Relief Plan

The proposal would affect nearly 30 million people and would target groups that have had hardships in repaying their loans.

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