
The Best College Is One Where You Don’t Fit In

This time of year, college campuses like the one where I live fill up with high school seniors preparing to…

I Love Facebook. That’s Why I’m Suing Meta.

While it’s become fashionable to dump on the aging social media platform Facebook, I quite enjoy using it. Many of…

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Not as Powerful as She Thinks She Is

In an interview last week, NewsNation’s Blake Burman asked Speaker Mike Johnson about Marjorie Taylor Greene, and before Burman could…

DNA Tests and Stranded Bodies: Ukraine’s Struggle to Name Its Dead

Families of some soldiers say they have spent months trying to get official confirmation of their loved one’s death, adding…

Most Prominent Voice in Panama’s Election Isn’t on the Ballot

The Central American nation heads to the polls on Sunday to elect a new leader after a campaign influenced by…

Elecciones en Panamá: la figura más prominente de la contienda no está en la boleta

El país centroamericano se dirige a las urnas el domingo para elegir a un nuevo líder tras una campaña que…

Hundreds of Bahraini Political Prisoners Freed in ‘Bittersweet’ Royal Pardon

Amid deepening tensions in the Middle East, Bahraini activists said that the mass pardon, while welcome, was incomplete, and called…

Teenager Fatally Shot by Australian Police After He Stabbed a Man

The episode occurred just weeks after two major stabbing attacks in the country. The teen had been under monitoring for…

Xi Visits Europe, Seeking Strategic Opportunity

The Chinese leader has carefully chosen three countries — France, Serbia and Hungary — that to varying degrees embrace Beijing’s…

His Skull Was Taken From Congo as a War Trophy. Will Belgium Finally Return It?

For decades, Belgium failed to return the remains of hundreds of people taken by force from former colonies. A draft…

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