
Ukraine Aid in the Light of History

On Saturday the House of Representatives finally overcame MAGA opposition and approved a new aid package for Ukraine. The Biden…

Trump Endures a Rugged Day in Court as Witness Details ‘Catch and Kill’

The judge questioned the credibility of Donald J. Trump’s defense lawyer, and a key witness told of a plan to…

New Study Bolsters Idea of Athletic Differences Between Men and Trans Women

Research financed by the International Olympic Committee introduced new data to the unsettled and fractious debate about bans on transgender…

Adams Defends His Pick for Top Lawyer Despite City Council Opposition

Mayor Eric Adams praised Randy Mastro’s “impressive” career as he moves to hire him as New York City’s top lawyer.…

Senate Moves Toward Approving Aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

Support for the package in the Senate is expected to be overwhelming and bipartisan, and President Biden has urged lawmakers…

The Gaza Protests Engulfing Columbia and Other Campuses

More from our inbox: Praise for Liz Cheney’s Plea to the Justices on Trump’s Immunity ClaimAfter the police cleared tents…

Inside the Week That Shook Columbia University

Just after 2 p.m. last Wednesday, Nemat Shafik, the president of Columbia University, stepped out of an office building on…

Italy’s New Abortion Law Is a Lesson in How Meloni Governs

The measure, largely restating existing law, shows the prime minister’s skill at reassuring her right-wing base without sacrificing her increasingly…

U.N. Calls for Inquiry Into Mass Graves at 2 Gaza Hospitals

The United Nations’ human rights office on Tuesday called for an independent investigation into two mass graves found after Israeli…

U.S. universities struggle to calm campuses torn by the Gaza war.

Administrators at some of the most influential American universities — including New York University, Yale and Columbia — were struggling,…

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