

Biden’s Real Mistake in Pausing Military Aid to Israel

It is unfortunate that President Biden chose to announce his pause of some weapons sales to Israel while on a…


Biden Looks to Raise Tax Revenue When Trump Cuts Expire Next Year

Lael Brainard, the director of the National Economic Council, said lawmakers should raise taxes on companies and the wealthiest while…


U.S. to Announce New Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles

The administration could raise tariffs on electric vehicles from China to 100 percent in an attempt to protect American auto…


Inside Biden’s Broken Relationship With Muslim and Arab American Leaders

Even as the president piles new pressure on Israel to end the war in Gaza, those who have called most…


Turning Point or Breaking Point? Biden’s Pause on Weapons Tests Ties to Israel

President Biden hopes the decision to withhold the delivery of 3,500 bombs will prompt Israel to change course in its…


Biden Pressures Israel to Reach a Cease-Fire in Gaza, Straining Ties

The president’s threat to withhold some weapons unless the Israelis also limit civilian casualties and increase humanitarian aid has widened…


Why Biden and Harris Are So Busy on Wednesdays, When Trump Isn’t in Court

The president and vice president have been keeping up a busy schedule in the middle of each week, just as…


Biden Condemns a ‘Ferocious Surge’ of Antisemitism in the United States

President Biden on Tuesday condemned a “ferocious surge of antisemitism” in the United States following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack…


Gaza Isn’t Root of Biden’s Struggles With Young Voters, Polls Show

Young voters are far more likely than other Americans to support Palestinians. But few cite the conflict as a top…


A New Issue Flares in the 2024 Race: Campus Protests

With tensions escalating and Republicans pouncing, President Biden finally weighed in and sought to increase the distance between himself and…

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