Trump to Focus on Border as Democrats Eye Boost From Florida Abortion Ruling

Former President Donald J. Trump will campaign on immigration and border policy today with events planned in Michigan and Wisconsin, two crucial battleground states in the Midwest.
Mr. Trump and other Republicans are trying to keep voters’ attention on the border as President Biden and Democrats, after a pair of court rulings out of Florida on Monday, grow more optimistic about their ability to center the campaign on abortion.
On Monday afternoon, the Florida Supreme Court overturned decades of precedent in ruling that the State Constitution did not protect abortion rights, allowing a six-week ban to take effect. Mr. Biden called the ruling “outrageous” and said it “puts desperately needed medical care even further out of reach for millions of women in Florida and across the South.”
But the court simultaneously ruled that a proposed constitutional amendment to guarantee abortion rights until fetal viability could go on the ballot in November.
That means Floridians will be voting directly on abortion after living with a near-total ban for several months — which Democrats hope will increase turnout and give them a fighting chance in a state that has become increasingly favorable to Republicans.
Wisconsin is one of several states with presidential primaries on Tuesday, and its voters will also decide on two ballot measures after the state’s Republican-led Legislature proposed changing the State Constitution to restrict private funding and staffing of election offices.